Friday, May 17, 2024

Be Free

It's 6am in London and although I can feel that the storm in me is still more gloomy than the weather, I'm grateful to be here. It has been a long time since I woke up peacefully at 5am. And even longer that I've woken up and opted to write.

I guess being in a timezone so different from "normal life" back in Singapore helps some. I am still concerned for the kitchens and bakeries back home, but I will just have to find a way to balance out my goals for coming here (whatever they may be) as well as my responsibilities back home. 

The flight here was wonderful. I sat next to an lady in her 80s who was born during the time of the second World War. And it was so refreshing to speak to her about politics, and life in general. The conversation was natural and easy. 

I wrote some on the plane and thought to store it here...

I dont know if anyone still reads here, but if you do, tell me what you think?

"Be Free"

(Written on a plane from Singapore to London, 15 May 2024)

There are days far worse than these.

Even though life is parched in the desert, and the darkness of the void is tangible.

These days where the noise is deafening, and even the quiet blares.

There are days far worse than these.

There are days far worse than these.

Where the lines between good and evil are blurred by the pride of intellect or the charm of emotions.

And decisions are made with and above the analytical mind whilst the chained heart watches and wanes.

There are days far worse than these.

There are days far worse than these.

Where the screams for hope, for light, in the darkness are met with blindness and hallucinations of silver linings concoted by the darkness itself.

And yet they believe - it is not so bad after all.

Surely there are days far worse than these.

What good is there in believing that there are worse days?

'I am parched, but I will give life to survive."

"The darkness has befallen, but at least it has not consumed me whole."

The end has not yet come, but it is approaching.

What good is there in believing that there are worse days?


Run from these days, and the days far worse than these - for they are coming after you.

Leave them to consume themselves, and let them devour their own.

They do not belong to you, nor you to them.

Crashing cymbals, blaring horns, they rally you as a warcry to stay with the darkness.

Empty blows. A swipe at the wind.

You are not free. You are but a puppet and prisoner.

And one day you will tire and give in.


Take a deep breath and move like the wind.

Go to the places they never want to go.

They will chase you, but their strength will wane as their grip of you fails.

There is little time left, but there is still breath.

Break into the light, they cannot touch you there.

Be Free.

Friday, March 29, 2024

the deviation

I meant to write this earlier in March... but only got so far as the title (according to the date-stamp on this draft).

As I re-read my posts, I saw the deviation.

I used to live a life to inspire others. "Aspire to Inspire" was my mantra - and everything I did revolved around it. The choices I made, the activities I got involved in, the friends I chose, and the things I wrote... everything in me wanted to simply make a positive difference to the world in some small way. Even if it were some silly thoughts I randomly scribbled down and publicly posted somewhere, if I could make a little light in a stranger's life, even if I never knew about the tiny difference I made, that was good enough for me.

And yet, look at the deviation.

And with the deviation came the snowballs effects - physical, emotional, mental, social - so many things have changed since. I've put on so much weight, I'd started battling a lingering darkness, friends have come and gone, and some  -  the kind long-suffering ones - have kindly stayed. I've done my best to be a better human in this phase towards the ones I love and care about, and yet I am also aware how limited that capacity has become amidst the drain of life's circumstances. 

I've heard about the theory of how women enter this "masculine energy" because they were in circumstances that they felt they had to be this courageous protector and warrior of sorts - simply to stay alive. Perhaps that's what happened to me.

But I don't want to be this person anymore - it's tiring.

I don't want to be called "brave", or "strong" or even "inspirational", anymore.

I miss my simpler life of enjoying sundresses, and walks, and markets, and other girly things I took joy in.

As much I feel like I'm a late bloomer in a lot of phases of life - in that of relationships, and love, and learning to interact with humans in general - yet, at the same time, I feel like I've jumped a few years with the zone I'm in now. I feel like I've entered a season where I just want to have a simple peaceful life. I do not need any titles, or awards, or accolades, or praises. I just want a small space in the world where I can just be peaceful.

And when I go, I only want to be known as "kind". And, if I may be so honoured, perhaps also be remembered as "loving".

They needn't know my name. 
They need not know where I come from.
They need not even know that I made a tiny difference to them feeling like a significant being in this world.

This is how I will live out the rest of my life - to simply choose to show a little kindness, and hints of love - to humans, and animals, and to plants, alike.
And maybe that's how I will return back to aspiring to inspire...
Except, perhaps now as an unimportant stranger.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

A few drinks later

My shoulders are still heavy.

And all I can think about is how I loved you.
The pain is familiar - comforting and excruciating.

What sort of cruel one-way imprint sorcery is this?
Perhaps you are the cigarette I pull when life gets too hard... a slow suicide without harming anyone but myself. Like the way one cuts to find a pain greater than the one in the present, just to distract from the current.... but pain nonetheless.

I have been a good girl pretty much my whole life. I've done everything I could to be a good human thus far in my brief fleeting life.
Why do I deserve this?

Waiter, a pint of happiness please.
