It's been a while since I've written...guess life happened.
But I'm back to writing.
The jaw is doing fine I suppose. About a month ago, I visited Surgeonman and had some x-rays done. Seemed that my left jaw bone healed up alright, but the right one was still a little unstable. My right cheek is still really tight, but I think part of me is getting used to it...which may not be a good thing in the long run. Wearing my retainers initiates a little bit of a gag-reflex sometimes, but I think it's just a matter of getting acquainted with them... and that's pretty much all the updates I have about the post-jaw surgery progress so far. I honestly can't believe it's been almost a year since the surgery.
Something clicked in me these past months though and I've been on a mission for a full life-makeover. I've started with decluttering my belongings - of which I've thrown out a massive amount of things including (but not limited to) books, clothing, memorabilia, soft toys, and old notes. I've been doing them in parts as a lot of the process can be a lot more emotionally draining than that of physical strain... not to mention there's only so much dust I can take in a day. I've shredded SO much paper... I don't even know how I accumulated SO much paperwork.
These past two weekends, I've been doing a digital declutter. And tonight I FINALLY got one of my email boxes in order with only ONE email floating in my Inbox (of which I will be taking action on later today so that I can delete it forever). I don't know how to express it, but there's this amazing calm and joy that comes with unsubscribing from something like 20 sources, and deleting 15,423 emails. :)
I do have another mailbox with another 3000 mails to deal with, but I'm on a mission and will get there one step at a time.
I've joined the minimalism movement and have found it increasingly liberating.
I've just come to a point where I just want to...Zen-out. If that makes any sense. Part of me is just sick and tired of being under this huge load of things to do. Life is just not meant to be spent crawling around with so much weight!
I have a plan and that plan is to live.
To live a happy, fulfilling, and gracious life.
I'm headed to a friend's wedding Hawaii in a month, and then I'm off to the States for a week or so to breathe in the summer and just...plan life. I'm quite done with living a pre-planned life to fulfill the expectations of others. It's going to be a process, but I will get there. #liberation